Estas cores podem não ser do agrado de muita gente que gosta de cores fortes mas ninguém nos proibe de juntar as duas vertentes!
Cores pastel dão-nos um ar fofinho, querido e cuidado.
Conjugar estas cores com um vestido branco ou com ganga e preto fica maravilhoso.
Deixo-vos algumas das minhas peças preferidas que têm estas cores!
As I promised you some time ago, today I decided to do a post about a new season trends: pastel colors!
These colors might not be to the liking of many people who love strong colors but nobody forbids us to bring together the two strands!
Pastel colours give us a cuddly, sweet and careful air.
Combine these colors with a white dress or with jeans and black and you will look wonderful.
I leave you some of my favorite pieces that have these colors!
Dream Girl
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