Encontrei esta receita maravilhosa e já tenho vontade de a ir experimentar. Se alguém a fizer digam-me como correu!
Chocolate Toblerone: 2
Ovo: 5
Farinha: 6 chávenas de chá
Açúcar: 3 chávenas de chá
Chocolate em pó: 1 chávena de chá
Leite: 1/2 chávena de chá
Misturar os ovos com a farinha, o chocolate, o açúcar e o leite. Quando a massa estiver bem misturada e consistente, partir os toblerones aos pedacinhos e misturar à massa. Fazer bolas com a massa e colocar num tabuleiro untado com manteiga e polvilhado com farinha. Levar ao forno cerca de 15/20 minutos à temperatura média.
Now that we are in times of examinations and ate more biscuits than in the rest of the year as a whole, how about cooking our own biscuits? (if you do not have time to do you can always ask your mother or your grandmother, or take advantage of a range of study!)
I found this wonderful recipe and I already have the desire to go try. If someone does tell me how it went!
Toblerone Chocolate: 2
Egg: 5
Flour: 6 cups of tea
Sugar: 3 cups of tea
Chocolate powder: 1 cup of tea
Milk: 1/2 cup of tea
Mix the eggs with the flour, chocolate, sugar and milk. When the dough is mixed well and consistently, from the chopped toblerones and mix the batter. Make balls with the dough and place in a pan greased with butter and dusted with flour. Bake about 20 minutes at room temperature 15/average.
Dream Girl
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