É fácil de fazer, é rápido e económico. Podem fazer sempre que estejam a planear um jantar de última hora ou mesmo num que tenha sido combinado há mais tempo, afinal quem não adora "una bella pasta"!
Spaghetti: 1/2 kg
Óleo: 3 colheres de sopa
Carne picada: 100 gr
Pão ralado: 2 colheres de sopa
Queijo parmesão ralado: 100 g
Sal: q.b.
Pimenta: q.b.
- Coze-se a massa em abundante água salgada até ficar al dente. Escorre-se.
- Num tacho, cola-se o azeite, a cebola cortada, o dente de alho esmagado e deixa-se aloura-se.
- Junta-se a polpa de tomate a água e deixamos refogar um pouco.
- Junta-se a carne picada e o pão ralado.
- Mexe-se com uma colher de pau até ficar bem cozinhado.
- Deita-se o spaghetti num prato de ir ao forno, untado com um pouco de margarina.
- Junta-se o molho, polvilha-se com pimenta e queijo ralado e leva-se ao forno a 220 graus, por 15 minutos. - Serve-se bem quente.
(Esta receita é suficiente para 4 pessoas)
Que bom!
Today I bring you a little something good, Spaghetti bolognaise!
It is easy to do, it's quick and economic. You can do it when you are planning a last minute dinner or even one that has been combined there are longer, after all who doesn't loves "una bella pasta"!
Spaghetti: 1/2 kg
3 tablespoons oil:
Minced meat: 100 gr
Breadcrumbs: 2 tablespoons
Parmesan cheese grated: 100 g
Sal: water
Pepper: water
-Bake the mass in abundant salted water until al dente. Drips.
-In a stockpot, glue-if the olive oil, onion cut the clove garlic crushed and leaves-if aloura.
-Joins the tomato water and leave a little smother.
-Joins the minced meat and the bread crumbs.
-Stir with a wooden spoon until well cooked.
-Lies the spaghetti in a bowl of baking, greased with a bit of margarine.
-Joins the sauce, sprinkles with pepper and grated cheese and leads to the oven to 220 degrees for 15 minutes. -Serves up piping hot.
(This recipe is enough for 4 people)
What good!
Dream Girl
(Esta receita é suficiente para 4 pessoas)
Que bom!
It is easy to do, it's quick and economic. You can do it when you are planning a last minute dinner or even one that has been combined there are longer, after all who doesn't loves "una bella pasta"!
Spaghetti: 1/2 kg
3 tablespoons oil:
Minced meat: 100 gr
Breadcrumbs: 2 tablespoons
Parmesan cheese grated: 100 g
Sal: water
Pepper: water
-Bake the mass in abundant salted water until al dente. Drips.
-In a stockpot, glue-if the olive oil, onion cut the clove garlic crushed and leaves-if aloura.
-Joins the tomato water and leave a little smother.
-Joins the minced meat and the bread crumbs.
-Stir with a wooden spoon until well cooked.
-Lies the spaghetti in a bowl of baking, greased with a bit of margarine.
-Joins the sauce, sprinkles with pepper and grated cheese and leads to the oven to 220 degrees for 15 minutes. -Serves up piping hot.
(This recipe is enough for 4 people)
What good!
Dream Girl
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