sábado, 31 de março de 2012

I'll love you forever.

"I'll love you forever" it's what they say but what is forever? How much it is going to last?

I know it made me happy for long long time but then when it's over it hurts even more because he promises that it would be forever. My best friend S. told me that we are too young to believe in those promises, that we have so much to live in the future, that those promises are just words. Are they? I don't know...

I want something that would be forever, and don't want to be out there looking for the really true one, and get hurt so many times. And then, what if I don't believe and those words are really true? What if that 'forever' it's really forever? Is that possible?

I hope so... because I want them to be.

Dream Girl

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