Entretanto vou ter de ir dormir e pronto, amanhã mais um dia de trabalho e é dos grandes, mas amanhã há pequenitos para alegrar o dia! Queria tanto actualizar as coisas por aqui, bem parece que vou ter de adiar isso mais um dia!
Tenho saudades dos dias de achar que tinha tanto para fazer e ter tempo para tudo e mais alguma coisa, tenho saudades dos amigos, dos intervalos, das horas a rir e a fazer palhaçadas. Mas pensando bem, também quero o agora! Nunca somos felizes com o que temos. Ah, mas temos de ser!
And is already officially Tuesday and if they knew the things I wanted and that I have to do... When was the days became so small?!
Now I will have to go to sleep and tomorrow another day of work and it's a big one, but tomorrow there is little ones to brighten the day! I wanted so much to update things around here, well it looks like I'll have to postpone this one more day!
I miss the days of finding that had so much to do and have time for everything and anything, I miss friends, the intervals of the hour laughing and Clowning. But on second thought, I also want to now! We are never happy with what we have. Ah, but we must be!
Dream Girl
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