domingo, 18 de março de 2012

day no...

Today is one of those days you really want to forget. I woke up and I haven't done anything I wanted to do and things seems like they are not fit well... Yesterday I had one of the best days of the past few weeks. I went to work at the Health Center, I felt useful, and then I went to the gymnastic class with my godmother. It was so good, besides the people who were really really nice and friendly, I really missed gymnastic! I hadn't done pretty much because I'm a little bite scared of getting hurt again, but well time cures everything...
Today, well today, I woke up at 10.30 and I only started to do something for me at 3.00 pm because my mum things I have to work for here! At the end I end up not doing the things I wanted! And now that I wanted to go sleep, someone decided to make a big party with really loud music... Well, I thing today is not a good day!

Dream Girl

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