Never save the best for later. You don't know what tomorrow holds.
Dream Girl
sábado, 31 de março de 2012
I'll love you forever.
"I'll love you forever" it's what they say but what is forever? How much it is going to last?
I know it made me happy for long long time but then when it's over it hurts even more because he promises that it would be forever. My best friend S. told me that we are too young to believe in those promises, that we have so much to live in the future, that those promises are just words. Are they? I don't know...
I want something that would be forever, and don't want to be out there looking for the really true one, and get hurt so many times. And then, what if I don't believe and those words are really true? What if that 'forever' it's really forever? Is that possible?
I hope so... because I want them to be.
Dream Girl
I know it made me happy for long long time but then when it's over it hurts even more because he promises that it would be forever. My best friend S. told me that we are too young to believe in those promises, that we have so much to live in the future, that those promises are just words. Are they? I don't know...
I want something that would be forever, and don't want to be out there looking for the really true one, and get hurt so many times. And then, what if I don't believe and those words are really true? What if that 'forever' it's really forever? Is that possible?
I hope so... because I want them to be.
Dream Girl
Earth Hour
Hoje é o dia de fazermos algo pelo planeta, a nossa casa que nos acolhe e nos dá tudo o que precisamos. É tão estranho pensar nas coisas que fazemos no dia a dia, simples e que trazem tantos problemas ambientais como simplesmente acender a luz. Este simples acto gasta imensa energia e nós nem temos noção disso. É tempo de tomarmos consciência, de fazermos algo pela melhor coisa que temos, o mundo. É altura de tomarmos conta de quem nos dá tudo o que tem!
Today is the day for us to do something for our planet, our house that welcomes us and gives us everything that we need. It's so weird to think about the things we do on our day-to-day and that bring so many environmental problems, just for, for example, turn the lights on. That simple gesture spends many energy and we don't have the notion of that. It's time for us to take conscience, for do something for the best thing we have, the world. It's time for us to take care of who gives us everything he has.
Today I'm going to turn lights of and you?
Dream Girl
Hoje vou apagar as luzes, e tu?
Today I'm going to turn lights of and you?
Dream Girl
sexta-feira, 30 de março de 2012
music can make me smile 34
Dream Girl
look beautiful every day 24
Como parece que amanhã vamos ter de voltar aos casacos e guarda-chuvas resolvi deixar-vos alguns looks. É uma pena, a chuva é precisa e sabe mesmo bem estar no sofá ou no quentinho na cama a ouvir a chuva, mas ter de sair é pior e este calor já estava a ser muito bom!
It seems like tomorrow you'll have to return to coats and umbrellas so I decided to make some looks for you. It's a pity that the rain is coming back. It's good to be on the coach or in the bed and hear the rain but when we have to go out, well it doesn't feel so good! And the hot days had been feeling so good!
Have a good day,
Dream Girl
It seems like tomorrow you'll have to return to coats and umbrellas so I decided to make some looks for you. It's a pity that the rain is coming back. It's good to be on the coach or in the bed and hear the rain but when we have to go out, well it doesn't feel so good! And the hot days had been feeling so good!
Have a good day,
Dream Girl
quinta-feira, 29 de março de 2012
cinema and popcorns! 6
Hoje voltei às minhas tardes a ver filmes e estive a ver O Gato das Botas! Oh adorei, queria imenso ter visto no cinema mas não tive oportunidade. Se gostam de filmes de animação é impossível não gostar deste!
O filme Puss In Boots (Gato das Botas) – uma das personagens mais adoradas no mundo Shrek – conta a história hilariante e corajosa do Gato das Botas (Antonio Banderas) nas suas antigas aventuras quando se junta a Humpty Dumpty e Kitty (Salma Hayek) para roubar o famoso ganso que põe Ovos de Ouro.
O filme Puss In Boots (Gato das Botas) – uma das personagens mais adoradas no mundo Shrek – conta a história hilariante e corajosa do Gato das Botas (Antonio Banderas) nas suas antigas aventuras quando se junta a Humpty Dumpty e Kitty (Salma Hayek) para roubar o famoso ganso que põe Ovos de Ouro.
Today I went back to my afternoons watching movies and I've been watching the puss in boots! Oh I loved it, wanted to be seen in film but a lot I haven't had opportunity. If you like animated films is impossible not to like this!
The film Puss In Boots – one of the most worshipped in world Shrek – tells the story hilarious and courageous Cat of boots (Antonio Banderas) in their former adventures when joins the Humpty Dumpty and Kitty (Salma Hayek) to steal the famed goose that lays golden eggs.
Dream Girl
Dream Girl
quarta-feira, 28 de março de 2012
colour your nails! 6
Há tanto tempo que não pintava as minhas unhas, por preguiça e também falta de tempo. Sempre que pensava em ir fazê-lo aparecia qualquer coisa ou então dizia "ah já vou". Acontece sempre que nunca vou. Portanto hoje peguei nas mãozinhas e lá fui eu.Tinha comprado este verniz há algum tempo mas ainda não tinha tido oportunidade de o experimentar. Custou-me 0,95€! É um roxo super giro.
There been a long long time since I painted my nails for laziness and lack of time. Whenever I thought about doing it something showed up or I said "I'll do that latter". What happens is that every time I say that I never do that. So today I finally take myself to do that. I had bought this nail polish for a while but I hadn't had the chance to try it! It costed me 0,95€! It's a really nice purple.
Dream Girl
H&M plum (fotografia do blog da Miss Verniz) |
There been a long long time since I painted my nails for laziness and lack of time. Whenever I thought about doing it something showed up or I said "I'll do that latter". What happens is that every time I say that I never do that. So today I finally take myself to do that. I had bought this nail polish for a while but I hadn't had the chance to try it! It costed me 0,95€! It's a really nice purple.
Dream Girl
music can make me smile 33
For you mega!
Dream Girl
Dream Girl
terça-feira, 27 de março de 2012
Finding the true love?
É interessante como a maior parte da nossa vida passa por tentarmos encontrar o amor da nossa vida ou a estarmos com a nossa cara metade.
"All you need is love", they say.
Mas, (porque há sempre um mas) nem sempre encontramos aquilo que queremos e os dias passam, e um dia achamos que não vamos passar disto, pessoas sós e abandonadas. Os nossos amigos já casaram, ou estão para isso, e têm filhos, uma casa e uma família. Os bons já se foram, e os que sobram, bem os que sobram também não agradam muito!
Mas esta treta de conversa toda porquê? (Não sou propriamente velha para pensar nestas coisas!) Bem, anteontem tive oportunidade de ler um artigo no revista activa (podem ler tudo aqui.) que dizia "50 maneiras de encontrar um homem." e pensei "calma! 50? Bem, isto deve mesmo resultar" e resolvi perder algum do meu tempo a ler este belo texto, a sério leiam, adorei!
Ora vai desde combinar saídas a convidar amigas para lanchar (que trazem amigos de amigos), a meter conversa com pessoas na rua e até enviar mensagens a números desconhecidos e tentar a sorte. Tentar a sorte! Bem, até pode ser que resulte. Mas já não sei, não digo nada. Às vezes quanto mais procuramos menos encontramos. Parece aquelas coisas que às vezes nos acontecem, procuramos tanto uma coisa, revolvemos a casa inteira e nada. Quando não precisamos, lá está à frente do nosso nariz! Se é assim com o baton e as chaves de casa será que não é com o nosso homem também? Eu não sei, digam-me vocês!
Acho que deve ser fantástico ir por aí à procura, realmente se passarmos o dia em casa que nem lontras no sofá é que ele não vai aparecer mesmo (a não ser que o giraço do vizinho de cima se lembre de vir pedir sal!), mas pronto nem sei o que vos diga!
Parece-me que o amor não se procura. Acontece!
It's interesting how much of our life is to try to find the love of our lives or to be with our better half.
"All you need is love", they say.
But, (because there's always a but) don't always find what we want and the days go by, and one day we thought let's not pass this, lonely and abandoned. Our friends are already married, or for this, and have children, a home and a family. The good ones are gone, and the left well the left are not very interesting!
But this whole conversation bullshit why? (I'm not exactly old to think these things!) Well, the day before yesterday I had the opportunity to read an article on activ magazine (can read everything here. It's in portuguese but well you can use google translate) which said "50 ways to find a man." and thought "Hey! 50?! Well, this this may work" and I decided to lose some of my time reading this beautiful text, seriously read, I loved it!
It ranges from combining outputs to invite friends for dinner (they bring friends of friends), put in conversation with people on the street and even send messages to unknown numbers and try your luck. Try your luck! Well, it may even be that results. But I do not know, do not say anything. Sometimes the more we look for less. It seems those things that sometimes happen, we seek both a thing, I look the whole House and nothing. When we do not need that, there is it ahead of our nose! If so with the baton and Home keys is not with our man too? I don't know, you tell me!
I think it should be amazing go out there looking, really if we come home that day or otters in the sofa is that it won't show up the same (unless the gorgeous up neighbor remember come ask for salt!), but I don't even know what to say!
It seems to me that love does not demand. Happens!
Dream Girl
"All you need is love", they say.
Mas, (porque há sempre um mas) nem sempre encontramos aquilo que queremos e os dias passam, e um dia achamos que não vamos passar disto, pessoas sós e abandonadas. Os nossos amigos já casaram, ou estão para isso, e têm filhos, uma casa e uma família. Os bons já se foram, e os que sobram, bem os que sobram também não agradam muito!
Mas esta treta de conversa toda porquê? (Não sou propriamente velha para pensar nestas coisas!) Bem, anteontem tive oportunidade de ler um artigo no revista activa (podem ler tudo aqui.) que dizia "50 maneiras de encontrar um homem." e pensei "calma! 50? Bem, isto deve mesmo resultar" e resolvi perder algum do meu tempo a ler este belo texto, a sério leiam, adorei!
Ora vai desde combinar saídas a convidar amigas para lanchar (que trazem amigos de amigos), a meter conversa com pessoas na rua e até enviar mensagens a números desconhecidos e tentar a sorte. Tentar a sorte! Bem, até pode ser que resulte. Mas já não sei, não digo nada. Às vezes quanto mais procuramos menos encontramos. Parece aquelas coisas que às vezes nos acontecem, procuramos tanto uma coisa, revolvemos a casa inteira e nada. Quando não precisamos, lá está à frente do nosso nariz! Se é assim com o baton e as chaves de casa será que não é com o nosso homem também? Eu não sei, digam-me vocês!
Acho que deve ser fantástico ir por aí à procura, realmente se passarmos o dia em casa que nem lontras no sofá é que ele não vai aparecer mesmo (a não ser que o giraço do vizinho de cima se lembre de vir pedir sal!), mas pronto nem sei o que vos diga!
Parece-me que o amor não se procura. Acontece!
It's interesting how much of our life is to try to find the love of our lives or to be with our better half.
"All you need is love", they say.
But, (because there's always a but) don't always find what we want and the days go by, and one day we thought let's not pass this, lonely and abandoned. Our friends are already married, or for this, and have children, a home and a family. The good ones are gone, and the left well the left are not very interesting!
But this whole conversation bullshit why? (I'm not exactly old to think these things!) Well, the day before yesterday I had the opportunity to read an article on activ magazine (can read everything here. It's in portuguese but well you can use google translate) which said "50 ways to find a man." and thought "Hey! 50?! Well, this this may work" and I decided to lose some of my time reading this beautiful text, seriously read, I loved it!
It ranges from combining outputs to invite friends for dinner (they bring friends of friends), put in conversation with people on the street and even send messages to unknown numbers and try your luck. Try your luck! Well, it may even be that results. But I do not know, do not say anything. Sometimes the more we look for less. It seems those things that sometimes happen, we seek both a thing, I look the whole House and nothing. When we do not need that, there is it ahead of our nose! If so with the baton and Home keys is not with our man too? I don't know, you tell me!
I think it should be amazing go out there looking, really if we come home that day or otters in the sofa is that it won't show up the same (unless the gorgeous up neighbor remember come ask for salt!), but I don't even know what to say!
It seems to me that love does not demand. Happens!
Dream Girl
Look beautiful every day 23
Hoje está um dia maravilhoso, por isso, deixo-vos aqui alguns looks a pensar nos dias mais quentes do ano. Ai praia, que saudades!
Today it's a beautiful day, so I leave you some looks thinking in the hottest days of the year. Oh beach, I miss you so much!
Dream Girl
music can make me smile 32
Dream Girl
planos, planos e mais planos!
Todos os dias eu organizo a minha agenda, aponto tudo o que quero fazer, por horas, coloco lá tudo e mais alguma coisa. Programo os meus dias para conseguir fazer tudo o que quero, mas nunca consigo cumprir nada. É um drama. Resultado: dias e dias de atraso.
A sério que eu tento, eu juro. Mas deve ser uma coisa fisiológica que me impede de cumprir o que está lá escrito (a verdade é que também quero fazer tudo e mais alguma coisa, mas isso são conversas à parte!). Os meus dias deviam ter pelo menos 36 horas para conseguir aproveitar a vida. Adoro dormir, mas cada vez o tempo é menos. Gosto das séries, esta, aquela e mais outra, enfim não resisto! E depois há os filmes que queria ver e não tenho tempo. Agora juntem os treinos, as aulas, as horas de estudo, as viagens e tudo o resto. I need more time!
Quem me dera ter aquele colar da Hermione que nos fazia voltar atrás no tempo, era tão perfeito. Assim podia fazer tudo.
Entretanto vamos lá dormir e preparar para mais um dia!
Everyday I organize my schedule, I point all I want to do, by hours, put there everything and anything. I program my days to be able to do what I want, but never seem to accomplish anything. Is a drama. Result: days and days of delay.
Seriously I try, I swear. But it must be a physiological thing that keeps me from fulfilling what is written there (the truth is that I also want to do everything and anything, but these are separate conversations!). My days should have at least 36 hours to be able to enjoy life. I love to sleep, but each time the time is less. Like the tv shows, this, that and the other, anyway I cannot resist! And then there are the movies I wanted to see and don't have the time. Now join the trainings, classes, hours of study, travel and everything else. I need more time!
I wish I have that necklace of Hermione that made us go back in time, it was so perfect. So could do everything.
However let us sleep and prepare for another day!
Dream Girl
A sério que eu tento, eu juro. Mas deve ser uma coisa fisiológica que me impede de cumprir o que está lá escrito (a verdade é que também quero fazer tudo e mais alguma coisa, mas isso são conversas à parte!). Os meus dias deviam ter pelo menos 36 horas para conseguir aproveitar a vida. Adoro dormir, mas cada vez o tempo é menos. Gosto das séries, esta, aquela e mais outra, enfim não resisto! E depois há os filmes que queria ver e não tenho tempo. Agora juntem os treinos, as aulas, as horas de estudo, as viagens e tudo o resto. I need more time!
Quem me dera ter aquele colar da Hermione que nos fazia voltar atrás no tempo, era tão perfeito. Assim podia fazer tudo.
Entretanto vamos lá dormir e preparar para mais um dia!
Everyday I organize my schedule, I point all I want to do, by hours, put there everything and anything. I program my days to be able to do what I want, but never seem to accomplish anything. Is a drama. Result: days and days of delay.
Seriously I try, I swear. But it must be a physiological thing that keeps me from fulfilling what is written there (the truth is that I also want to do everything and anything, but these are separate conversations!). My days should have at least 36 hours to be able to enjoy life. I love to sleep, but each time the time is less. Like the tv shows, this, that and the other, anyway I cannot resist! And then there are the movies I wanted to see and don't have the time. Now join the trainings, classes, hours of study, travel and everything else. I need more time!
I wish I have that necklace of Hermione that made us go back in time, it was so perfect. So could do everything.
However let us sleep and prepare for another day!
Dream Girl
segunda-feira, 26 de março de 2012
domingo, 25 de março de 2012
look beautiful every day 22
Como nestes últimos 3 dias estive num congresso e por vezes este tipo de eventos exige roupa mais formal, resolvi deixar-vos algumas sugestões.
Espero que gostem!
As in the past 3 days I attended a Congress and sometimes this kind of events requires formal clothing, I decided to leave you a few suggestions.
I hope you enjoy!
Dream Girl
love it! 73
You can spend your whole life searching for your one true love but one day you’ll realize that I’ve been right beside you all along…
Dream Girl
No time,
Well, I've just arrived home and tomorrow (without one more hour because of the hour change) I've aims meeting day 3! So, today I really need to go sleep. Tomorrow I'll tell you everything!
Until then, you can following things up on twitter (!/everdreamgirl1) I've been updating things from my mobile there.
Dream Girl
Until then, you can following things up on twitter (!/everdreamgirl1) I've been updating things from my mobile there.
Dream Girl
sábado, 24 de março de 2012
Time for nothing.
Today and in the weekend I'll be at a congress in my university, so I haven't too much time, but I'll try to post some things here tomorrow. Today between the workshops, the presentations and latter gymnastics and shopping, I couldn't post anything for you. I'm so sorry!
See you tomorrow my dreamers.
Dream Girl
See you tomorrow my dreamers.
Dream Girl
sexta-feira, 23 de março de 2012
look beautiful every day 21
Agora que a Primavera já chegou (apesar de não o parecer porque ainda continua um friozinho), só temos vontade de vestir os nossos vestidos de verão, as sandálias, as sabrinas, e as roupas coloridas. Para vos animar porque não tarda nada esses dias estão ai (esperamos nós!) deixo-vos dois looks. Espero que gostem!
Now that spring has arrived (though not the opinion because it still remains a cold), the will only wear our summer dresses, sandals, the ballerinas and colorful clothes. To animate because it takes nothing these days are here (we hope!) I leave you two looks. I hope you enjoy!
Dream Girl
quinta-feira, 22 de março de 2012
Super Woman.
Eu queria ser a super mulher e fazer tudo e mais alguma coisa, mas hoje não, hoje quero ser só eu, fofinha e queridinha, com a minha manta a noite inteira a ver séries. Sim, eu hoje vou ver séries a noite inteira!
I wanted to be a super woman and do everything and anything, but not today, today I want to be just me, sweet and with my blanket the whole night watching tv shows. Yes, today I'll see tv shows the whole night!
Dream Girl
I wanted to be a super woman and do everything and anything, but not today, today I want to be just me, sweet and with my blanket the whole night watching tv shows. Yes, today I'll see tv shows the whole night!
Dream Girl
love it! 71
Hope is the little voice you hear whisper "maybe" when it seems the entire world is shouting "no!".
Dream Girl
Dream Girl
quarta-feira, 21 de março de 2012
music can make me smile 31
"I refuse to give up! (...) I will survive"
Dream Girl
Dream Girl
love hurts.
Is so hard to think that someone can hurt the love of her life, that one day you love that person so much and the next day you just want her away of your life. Is so hard, so complicated. After all you loved her somehow, some day of you life she was the most important person to you! That person made you laugh, made you believe in yourself, made you think everything was perfect, made you see that life could be amazing... So what happen for that same person make you cry, feel like you aren't important for the world any more, for you to stop loving her?
I don't know, I wish I could, I wish I could have all the answers to the world, maybe life was easier...
But would it be funny? Would it worth that?
All that I wanted to know was that the person you love the most says things to you that one day there are not becoming true, why would he made you promises he knew that he wasn't going to meet, why the hell does he keeps telling you that you are the most important person in your life if that isn't true...
Love is complicated. Love hurts. But nothing that worth it is easy or simple, isn't that true?
Dream Girl
I don't know, I wish I could, I wish I could have all the answers to the world, maybe life was easier...
But would it be funny? Would it worth that?
All that I wanted to know was that the person you love the most says things to you that one day there are not becoming true, why would he made you promises he knew that he wasn't going to meet, why the hell does he keeps telling you that you are the most important person in your life if that isn't true...
Love is complicated. Love hurts. But nothing that worth it is easy or simple, isn't that true?
Dream Girl
music can make me smile 30
Summer Paradise!
Dream Girl
Dream Girl
terça-feira, 20 de março de 2012
Ai tempo que passas tão rápido!
E pronto já é oficialmente terça feira e se soubessem as coisas que queria e que tenho de fazer... Quando é que foi que os dias se tornaram tão pequenos?!
Entretanto vou ter de ir dormir e pronto, amanhã mais um dia de trabalho e é dos grandes, mas amanhã há pequenitos para alegrar o dia! Queria tanto actualizar as coisas por aqui, bem parece que vou ter de adiar isso mais um dia!
Tenho saudades dos dias de achar que tinha tanto para fazer e ter tempo para tudo e mais alguma coisa, tenho saudades dos amigos, dos intervalos, das horas a rir e a fazer palhaçadas. Mas pensando bem, também quero o agora! Nunca somos felizes com o que temos. Ah, mas temos de ser!
And is already officially Tuesday and if they knew the things I wanted and that I have to do... When was the days became so small?!
Now I will have to go to sleep and tomorrow another day of work and it's a big one, but tomorrow there is little ones to brighten the day! I wanted so much to update things around here, well it looks like I'll have to postpone this one more day!
I miss the days of finding that had so much to do and have time for everything and anything, I miss friends, the intervals of the hour laughing and Clowning. But on second thought, I also want to now! We are never happy with what we have. Ah, but we must be!
Dream Girl
Entretanto vou ter de ir dormir e pronto, amanhã mais um dia de trabalho e é dos grandes, mas amanhã há pequenitos para alegrar o dia! Queria tanto actualizar as coisas por aqui, bem parece que vou ter de adiar isso mais um dia!
Tenho saudades dos dias de achar que tinha tanto para fazer e ter tempo para tudo e mais alguma coisa, tenho saudades dos amigos, dos intervalos, das horas a rir e a fazer palhaçadas. Mas pensando bem, também quero o agora! Nunca somos felizes com o que temos. Ah, mas temos de ser!
And is already officially Tuesday and if they knew the things I wanted and that I have to do... When was the days became so small?!
Now I will have to go to sleep and tomorrow another day of work and it's a big one, but tomorrow there is little ones to brighten the day! I wanted so much to update things around here, well it looks like I'll have to postpone this one more day!
I miss the days of finding that had so much to do and have time for everything and anything, I miss friends, the intervals of the hour laughing and Clowning. But on second thought, I also want to now! We are never happy with what we have. Ah, but we must be!
Dream Girl
segunda-feira, 19 de março de 2012
music can make me smile 29
I don't wanna be left
In this war tonight
Am I alone in this fight?
Is anybody out there?
Don't wanna be left left in this world behind
Say you'll run to my side
Dream Girl
In this war tonight
Am I alone in this fight?
Is anybody out there?
Don't wanna be left left in this world behind
Say you'll run to my side
Dream Girl
Festival do chocolate de Óbidos.
Hoje foi dia de passeio e de ir ao Festival do Chocolate de Óbidos, quando lá chegámos estava imensa gente, demais para mim! Depois de 1 hora na fila só para comprar os bilhetes lá fomos empurrados em ruas estreitinhas num mar de gente. Achei super giro, mas com pouco para ver a julgar pelo preço dos bilhetes! Para além disso passei mais tempo em filas do que propriamente a ver o que quer que fosse. E não pensem que fui grande gulosa, só comi uma tacinha de fruta a transbordar de chocolate quente e trouxe um pão de ló de chocolate para casa. Portei-me bem!
Deixo-vos algumas fotos!
Today was day of sightseeing and going to the Chocolate Festival in Óbidos, when we arrived there was immensely folks, too much for me! After 1 hour in the queue only to buy the tickets there were pushed on the streets in a sea of people. I found super cute, but with little to see judging by the price of the tickets! Moreover I spent more time in queues than to do whatever. And don't think that went big, gluttonous only ate a fruit to overflow to Tacita hot chocolate and brought a chocolate sponge cake loaf for home. I behave well!
I leave you some pictures!
Dream Girl
Deixo-vos algumas fotos!
I leave you some pictures!
Dream Girl
domingo, 18 de março de 2012
Mensagens (Atom)