Bem pode dizer-se que apesar de ser uma pessoa super organizadinha e conseguir ter sempre tudo pronto a horas sou super preguiçosa e nunca tenho horários para nada, inclusivé dormir. Como ando a tentar mudar isso um amigo fez a gentileza de me organizar os dias, que serão todos iguais para criar rotinas e poder habituar-me ao novo horário, por isso, ele colocou no meu telemóvel despertadores fofinhos que me indicam o que tenho de fazer a seguir, a começar já a partir de amanhã! Então resolvi partilhá-los com vocês, não só porque alguém pode ter o mesmo problema que eu e precisar de uma ajudinha, mas também para fazer esse compromisso comigo mesma e com vocês. Então, os meus dias vão ser isto:
Well you could say that despite being a super person organizadinha and always manage to get everything ready on time I'm super lazy and never have time for anything, including sleeping. As I'm trying to change that a friend did please me organize the days, that will be all the same to create routines and be able to get used to the new time, so he placed it in my cellphone alarm clocks cute that I indicate what I have to do next, starting as early as tomorrow! So I decided to share them with you, not just because someone may have the same problem as me and need a little help, but also to make such a commitment to myself and to you. So, my days will be this:
07:30 - Wake up sleepy!
07:35 - Go make yourself beauty!
08:00 - Cook something and have a queen's breakfast!
08:50 - Go to school and be at classes or study: remember you are going to save lives!
18:30 - Exercise. You are going to stay beautiful!
19:30 - Rest and write.
20:15 - Have a great dinner with dessert!
21:30 - Watch your tv show.
23:00 - Go to bed, it's warm there!
23:25 - Allow your imagination to fly, read!
23:59 - Go sleep princess, see you tomorrow. LY!
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