Yesterday was movie night here at home, and I know that already comes late, but yesterday was the night of romance, couch, blanket, chocolate almonds and a good company. We decided to watch the movie New Year's eve. The description that had of this film was that this was another one of those movies that came out in the new year where there are lots of problems in the whole year, but after midnight the boy discovers that he likes the girl and then txanann, you're done. I must say that is not true but it also is not very far away! I liked, is a good movie to see with friends or with someone special. I leave you the trailer and the blurb and I hope you enjoy!
Do realizador Gary Marshall chega-nos a comédia romântica “Ano Novo, Vida Nova!”, com um elenco de luxo. “Ano Novo, Vida Nova!” celebra o amor, o perdão, a esperança, as segundas oportunidades e os recomeços, em histórias entrelaçadas de casais e de solteiros no centro da cidade de Nova Iorque, na noite mais fantástica do ano. | Directed by Gary Marshall arrives in the romantic comedy "new year's eve!", with a cast of luxury. "New year's eve!" celebrates the love, forgiveness, hope, the second opportunities and restarts, in interwoven stories of couples and singles in the center of the city of New York, in the year's coolest night.
Duração: 118 minutos | Duration: 118 minutes
Actores: | Actors: Ashton Kutcher, Robert De Niro, Katherine Heigl, Sarah Jessica Parker, Zac Efron
Dream Girl
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