"Nas nuvens por estarem prestes a constituir família, Jules, a guru dos programas de televisão de manutenção física, e Evan, uma estrela do mundo da dança, descobrem que as suas frenéticas existências enquanto celebridades não têm hipótese de se manterem em face das surpreendentes exigências da gravidez. Wendy, advogada e escritora louca por crianças, tem a oportunidade de experimentar alguns dos seus conselhos militantes para mamãs quando as hormonas da gravidez invadem o seu corpo, enquanto que o marido, Gary, tenta não ser ultrapassado pelo seu competitivo pai, que está à espera de gémeos com a sua muito mais nova esposa-troféu, Skyler. Holly, uma fotógrafa, está preparada para dar a volta ao mundo para adoptar uma criança, mas o marido, Alex, não está tão seguro e tenta acalmar o pânico num grupo de apoio, onde homens que foram pais há pouco tempo falam da experiência como ela é na realidade. E a surpreendente relação entre os chefes de cozinha rivais Rosie e Marco resulta num inesperado dilema: o que fazer quando o primeiro filho chega mesmo antes do primeiro encontro?"
Today has been an afternoon of movies I speak to you about the first that saw, What to Expect When You're Expecting. Is, according to classification, a comedy/drama that focuses on many sides of pregnancy and what happens between the families during this time. Had immense anticipation to see this movie because when I saw the trailer I thought it would be a good movie, animated and that was really to laugh but I confess that I was a little disappointed. Anyway, I leave you the synopsis and trailer to choose to see it. I personally expected more from this movie.
"In the clouds are about to start a family, Jules, the guru of television programs of physical maintenance, and Evan, a star of the dance world, discover that their frantic stocks while celebrities have no chance to maintain in the face of staggering demands of pregnancy. Wendy, a lawyer and writer crazy by children, has the opportunity to try some of your advice militants for moms when the hormones of pregnancy invade your body, while her husband, Gary, try not to be overtaken by his competitive dad, who is expecting twins with his much younger wife-trophy, Skyler. Holly, a photographer, is prepared to give back to the world to adopt a child, but her husband, Alex, is not so safe and tries to calm the panic in a support group, where men who were fathers not long ago speak of the experience as it is in reality. And the surprising relationship between chefs rivals Rosie and Marco results in an unexpected dilemma: what to do when the first child comes even before the first date? "
Dream Girl
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