"O Sargento da Marinha dos Estados Unidos, Logan Thibault (Efron), regressa da sua terceira viagem de serviço ao Iraque, com a certeza que traz consigo a única coisa que o mantém vivo, uma fotografia que encontrou de uma mulher que não conhece. Ao descobrir que o seu nome é Beth (Schilling) e onde vive, ele aparece à sua porta e acaba por ficar a trabalhar com a família dela no canil local. Apesar da desconfiança inicial de Beth e das complicações da sua vida, surge um romance entre os dois, dando a Logan a esperança de que Beth poderá ser muito mais do que apenas o seu amuleto da sorte."
Today I speak to you about a recent film, the lucky one, a romantic movie, with a simple story but exciting. This is the story of a Navy soldier who finds a photograph of a woman in the war and saving it manages to survive all the attacks. When he decides to look for her where the finds and moths ties with it. I hope you enjoy it.
"The United States Navy, Sergeant Logan Thibault (Efron) returns from his third trip to Iraq, with the certainty that brings with it the only thing that keeps him alive, a photo I found of a woman you don't know. Upon discovering that his name is Beth (Schilling) and where he lives, he appears at your door and ends up getting to work with her family in the Kennel site. Despite the initial distrust of Beth and complications of your life, there is a romance between the two, giving Logan the hope that Beth can be much more than just your lucky charm. "
Dream Girl
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